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Image by Aaron Burden

Steeping In God's Word

Teaching women the importance of studying, understanding, and applying God's Word together. 

"The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, "The Lord Is Upright!"
Psalm 92:12-15

About Us

About Us

Steeping in the Scriptures while drinking tea together! Steeping Tea began as the result of a burden to see women fall in love with God's Word at a much deeper level.  Steeping Tea events provide an outlet for women's ministries to study and understand God's Word through Scripture reading, teaching, exhortation, and encouragement...and of course, TEA!


As our events aim to teach women to immerse themselves in the Scriptures, we hope you will grow in clarity and understanding of God's Word so much that it would permeate every part of your lives. We want the gospel to be so deeply infused into your hearts, that it would be a natural overflow from your lips each day. Like tea, the more we soak, the more we begin to be recognized as a peaceful aroma to those we encounter. 

Gather your women today, and let's schedule  a Steeping Tea!

Woman with Bible

Schedule A Tea With Your Women

Steeping Tea Methods

Our leaders have years of exhaustive study, memorization, and examination of God's Word. As a result, we have developed a proven and effective method that will strengthen and simplify your study and application of the Scriptures. When seeking to understand the Scriptures, we need direction, and we need community. 

The outline of our teaching method below gives a brief snapshot of what you can expect at our Steeping Tea events. From Scripture memory and reciting, to in-depth training on how to study your Bible, to life-application techniques you will be impacted greatly, as well as those you encounter. 


Reading Passages, Meditation and Pause,  Scripture Memory Techniques


In-Depth Study, Context Examination, Bible-Study Tools 


Group Practice, Reciting Scripture, Encouragement and Exhortation


Application Principles, Ministry and Evangelism, Developing Habits 


Our Teachers

Tammy Lea Fabian

Wanting to tame her rebellious heart, Tammy Fabian began memorizing Scripture. To date, she has memorized 33 books of the Bible, including Proverbs, and she’s still going, wanting to obtain a breadth of understanding and wisdom to share with others. Over time, her exercises of memorization turned to worship of the Lord, and that worship birthed The Art of Wisdom, a kind of first fruits dedication back to him. As Solomon left instructions for his son, Tammy, too, wants to leave instructions for how to live well to her son and others.

Tammy is the president of Date Palm Consulting and travels throughout the world as a speaker, interacting with different cultures, people groups, and religions. She also is the president of Time in the Desert and a graduate of Corban University, with a BS in Psychology.

Marsha Crenshaw

Few people have the passion for God and His Word and the compassion for lost souls and the body of Christ as does Marsha Crenshaw. She began her study of the Scriptures with Precept Ministry and has been an in-depth Bible study leader for over 40 years. In recent years, she has penned an in-depth study entitled, “Preparing to be The Bride of Christ”.  She has other topics she has written studies on, including “Spiritual Gifts Made Simple", as well as another study on the eternal security of the believer entitled “How Will I Know that I Will Possess It?” 


 Through the years Marsha also has led workshops in Texas and other states, where many have been trained in how to study their Bible, so that they can accurately interpret and then apply God’s word to their lives.

Who Would Benefit From A Steeping Tea?

Women's Ministries

Church Ministries For Women, Women's Bible Studies, Women's Minister

Small Groups

Church Small Groups, Discipleship Groups, Ministry Teams 

Bible Study Leaders

Small Group Leaders, Bible Study Leaders, Women's Ministers

Image by Ben White


Image by Kira auf der Heide


Listening to Tammy quote scripture is both humbling and encouraging. It is the perfect opportunity to just turn of all the distractions of life and let the Word of God wash over you.

Three Teacups


Tammy quoted Abram when reciting Genesis 14, and the way she emulated him made an otherwise droll, somewhat uninteresting passage literally come alive! She expressively animated his words, which I'd only heard read matter-of-factly before.

Yellow Tea


Marsha's passion for Jesus is evident in more than just her teaching. It shines through her every interaction with those around her. With wisdom firmly grounded in the Word, she has a unique gift for unfolding truth with both grace and boldness. 

Request An Event

If you'd like to schedule a Steeping Tea for your women, or if you have any questions, we'd love to hear from you. Our heart is to serve you and your ministry with resources that will empower your women to serve and love God with all of their hearts. 


Let's Connect


Phone: (214) 734-5973

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2021 by Joe Crenshaw 

A Ministry of Date Palm Consulting
7210 Virginia Parkway, Unit 6736
McKinney, TX 75071
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