Wisdom Art Gallery is designed to be a profound artistic journey through Proverbs 10, 11, and 12, combining the Scriptures themselves with artful images and clever riddles that help to uncover the wisdom found in Proverbs in a much deeper way. As you journey through the Scriptures in a new and delightful way, our hopes are that the creative and imaginative imagery will unlock the wisdom that is meant to guide you and give you discretion as you face the challenges of life.
Tammy Lea Fabian has memorized 33 books of the Bible, including Proverbs, and has a passion for ministering to others by giving them the tools they need to find joy and delight in the study and treasure of God's Word. This particular gallery was inspired by her Da Vinci Eye Award winning book "The Art of Wisdom, Vol. 1", which has proven to be an impactful tool for personal growth, family discipleship, and a creative way to be inspired by God's Word on a daily basis.

God's Word has power. Tammy Fabian understands that and aims everything she does at helping others fall in love with the Scriptures. More than just reading the Scriptures, memorizing them, or even seeing images that bring them alive, her hope is to help you grow to love His Word, in such a way that you begin to treasure it above anything else.