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"Tammy's workshop changed my life. In an age where we may lose access to the Bible, I cannot stress the importance of memorizing God's Word, and this workshop will expedite our ability to retain it forever, whether we lose access to it or not."

- Joe Crenshaw


Tammy has a deep and ever-growing love for God's Word. She recognizes it as an invaluable treasure, and has experienced the tremendous fruit that is had when we hide Gods Word in our hearts.

As a result of this, Tammy has a deep burden to use her gifts to inspire the same love for God's Word in others. She believes that reading, studying, and memorizing God's Word are more than just informative and educational. These are times where we get to worship the Lord in His presence, and hear His voice speak directly to us.


With her background in drama (memorizing thousands of lines), her knowledge of scientific methods to optimize brain power, and her general love for the Scriptures, Tammy is a spiritual asset to any church, ministry, small group, or individual that seeks to know and love God's Word in a more profound way. 

Image by Fa Barboza

In addition to Scripture Memorization Workshop, Tammy also has many other ministries where she uses her gifts to minister to the church.  

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Tammy Lea Fabian

Speaker, Author, Blogger, Bible Coach

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Wisdom Art Gallery

Enhancing Scriptures Through Mobile Art

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Steeping Tea

Women's Tea Events, Soaking In Scripture, Application

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Time In The Desert

Boutique Writing and Publication

Black Washed Wall

Tammy's Bookstore

Along with Tammy's memorization abilities, she has written a number of books, as well as published books for others. 

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Phone: (214) 734-5973

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2021 by Joe Crenshaw 

A Ministry of Date Palm Consulting
7210 Virginia Parkway, Unit 6736
McKinney, TX 75071
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